姜庆密, 亓富军, 田纪法
山东临沂供电公司, 山东 临沂 276003
The Causes and Case Processing of Composite Shielding Insulation Tube Bus Local Heat
Jiang Qingmi, Qi Fujun, Tian Jifa
Power Supply Company of Shandong Linyi, Linyi, Shandong 276003
摘要 本文以临沂电网复合屏蔽管母线运行现状为例,以提高电网安全运行为目的;针对电网发生的数起故障,对母线运行中出现的各类局部过热、绝缘击穿、燃烧起火等情况进行了综合分析。重点讨论了母线局部过热的成因、处理过程、防范措施等,得出了在电网运行中,管母线不同连接部位的过热特点及发展变化规律。
关键词 :
管母线 ,
局部发热 ,
原因分析 ,
Abstract :In this paper, taking Linyi power grid composite shielding tube bus operation status as an example,for the purpose to improve the safe operation of power grids; According to a number of grid failure occurred, conducted a comprehensive analysis of various types local overheating, insulation breakdown, burning fire in the bus operation. Focus on the causes of the bus local overheating, process, preventive measures,obtained the overheating characteristics and development variation of the tube bus different connection parts in grid operation
Key words :
tube bus
local heat
cause analysis
出版日期: 2013-10-10
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Jiang Qingmi, Qi Fujun, Tian Jifa. The Causes and Case Processing of Composite Shielding Insulation Tube Bus Local Heat. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(09): 53-57.
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