尚超, 刘云龙, 董义华, 张雪原, 张玉芝
潍坊学院信息与控制工程学院,山东 潍坊 261061
Study on megawatt class pulse power module of reversely switched dynistor and its application in pulsed discharge under water
SHANG Chao, LIU Yunlong, DONG Yihua, ZHANG Xueyuan, ZHANG Yuzhi
Department of Information and Control Engineering, Weifang University, Weifang, Shandong 261061
摘要 基于反向开关晶体管的工作原理,设计了水下脉冲放电系统。根据负载击穿特性,首次提出不使用磁开关阻断主电压的设计思路,这提高了主电流上升率。确定了实验参数,并进行了放电实验。实验过程可见,在击穿过程中,负载相当于一阻值很小的电阻,且击穿过程有一个时间延迟。在12kV主电压和4kV预充电压下,负载击穿时间约为25μs;反向开关晶体管预充电流峰值为397A,脉宽为3μs;主电流峰值为6.5kA,脉宽为5μs,di /dt 为3.2kA/μs。
关键词 :
脉冲功率 ,
负载 ,
水下放电 ,
Abstract :An underwater pulse discharge system was designed based on the principle of reversely switched dynistor. It was put forward that the main voltage was not blocked without using magnetic switch, which increased the rise rate of main current. The experimental parameters were determined and discharge experiments were carried out in paper. We can see in experiment that the load is equivalent to a small resistance, and there is a time delay in breakdown process. Breakdown time of the load is about 25μs; the peak precharge current is 397A and the pulse width was 3μs; the peak current of load was 6.5kA, pulse width was 5μs, di /dt was 3.2kA/μs under the main voltage of 12kV and the precharge voltage of 4kV.
Key words :
pulse power
discharge under water
reverse charge
收稿日期: 2020-06-04
基金资助: 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2017QF011); 潍坊市科技发展计划资助项目(2018GX017)
作者简介 : 尚超(1979—),男,博士,主要研究方向为电力电子及脉冲功率技术。
尚超, 刘云龙, 董义华, 张雪原, 张玉芝. 百兆瓦级反向开关晶体管脉冲功率组件及其水下脉冲放电研究[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(1): 19-22.
SHANG Chao, LIU Yunlong, DONG Yihua, ZHANG Xueyuan, ZHANG Yuzhi. Study on megawatt class pulse power module of reversely switched dynistor and its application in pulsed discharge under water. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 19-22.
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