As an important product of the strong smart grid, optical fiber composite low-voltage cable (OPLC) combines optical units and cables to achieve dual transmission of information and power. OPLC temperature characteristics studies are very important to determine the stability and reliability of optical network transmission. Based on the thermoelectric analogy theory, a modeling method of OPLC heat circuit model is proposed in this paper. The transient thermal path model is established by taking the double cable OPLC as an example, and the position of the light unit is separately modeled to realize the accurate calculation of the temperature of each position. On this basis, the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to identify the thermal resistance and heat capacity parameters of the model, which improves the accuracy of temperature characteristics research. Through the COMSOL simulation analysis and the temperature measurement experimental platform to establish different current magnitudes, the OPLC temperature values are obtained. Comparing the heat path model, the error between the temperature value of each position and the temperature value of the simulation and experiment is less than 1.3℃, which verifies the validity of OPLC temperature characteristics based on thermoelectric analogy.
王源, 李兴宝, 杨明月, 徐娟, 付娜. 基于热电类比理论的光纤复合低压电缆温度分布特性研究[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(3): 44-51.
WANG Yuan, LI Xingbao, YANG Mingyue, XU Juan, FU Na. Research on temperature distribution characteristics of optical fiber composite low voltage cable based on thermoelectric analogy theory. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(3): 44-51.
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