The Security Checking For Live Eliminate Defects Working On Drainage Board On 500kV Transmission Line |
Zhang Huajie, Zhu Dan, Zeng Dong, Wen Zhen |
Jiaxing Electric Power Bureau, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314033 |
Abstract This paper is against on province project “The Study on Live Eliminate Defects Working On Drainage Board On Transmission Line and its’ application” by Jiaxing Electric Power Bureau. We analyzed the 500kV line tower’s data collected. By calculating the dates based on the actual tower type and size, we have got the working gap and hazard rate in order to analyze the security of the live eliminate defects working on drainage board on transmission line.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Zhang Huajie,Zhu Dan,Zeng Dong等. The Security Checking For Live Eliminate Defects Working On Drainage Board On 500kV Transmission Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 86-90.
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