Security Economic Dispatch in Wind Power Integrated SystemsUsing an Interactive Decision Making Method |
Xiao Guojun, Zhou Renjun, Wu Suping, Liu Yangsheng, Pan Zhi |
Smart Grids Operation and Control Key Laboratory of Hu’nan ProvinceChangsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004 |
Abstract For the capacity of wind power integration increases will affect the reliability of system, the membership function of wind power penetration was introduced to reflect security level of system, asecurity economic dispatch model of wind power integrated systems containing the environmental costof thermal power and wind power was constructed. An interactive fuzzy satisfying method was usedbased on genetic algorithm against the model, the decision maker can set a reference membership degreevalue for each objective, then multi-objective optimal problem could be transformed into a singleobjective optimization by means of minimizing the maximum absolute difference between referencemembership degree value and objective membership degree value. The reference membership degreevalue could be reset to run the program again during the decision making, so the scheduling results canfully reflect the subjective intention of decision maker. Experiment analysis of IEEE 30 bus systemarrived at that interactive decision making process could determine the scheduling results consideringthe preference of decision maker, showing the feasibility of the interactive fuzzy satisfying method.
Received: 26 June 2014
Published: 25 July 2013
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Xiao Guojun,Zhou Renjun,Wu Suping等. Security Economic Dispatch in Wind Power Integrated SystemsUsing an Interactive Decision Making Method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(04): 1-5.
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