The Strategy of Daily Generation Scheduling Online Adjusting Implementing and Evaluating Based on Agc |
Du Xiaoyong1, Li Yan1 Liu Yi1, Li Kui1, Zhao Yong2 |
1. He’nan Electric Power Dispatching and Controlling Center, Zhengzhou 450052;
2. Zhengzhou Power Supply Company, Zhengzhou 450052 |
Abstract The strategy of generation scheduling dynamic adjusting and implementing by usingAGC is presented, and gives a real-time adjustment algorithm as basis for assistant-decision. Thestrategy can adjust generation unit's real-time power with the energy-saving dispatching priority orderaccording to the grid load forecast bias while generation unit tracking the daily generation scheduling.The whole grid's AGC adjustment capacity, speed and preciseness is improved by using this strategy.The application of this strategy in Henan Power Grid shows that it ensure daily generation schedulingimplementing effectively, provide a strong technical means for the implementation of energy-savingdispatching, and improve the security of the power grid and the tie-line control effect.
Received: 26 June 2014
Published: 25 July 2013
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Du Xiaoyong,Li Yan,Liu Yi等. The Strategy of Daily Generation Scheduling Online Adjusting Implementing and Evaluating Based on Agc[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(04): 57-60.
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