Diesel Generator Governor Research Based on Model free-PID Control |
Zhao Fei1, Han Zhong2, Yu Shaojuan1 |
1. Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024; 2. Anhui Unirersity Depatment of Physics, Hefei 230601 |
Abstract Diesel generator Governor speed response of the system is one of the important factors which influence the stability of power system. For currently diesel generator Governor response speed slow, precision poor and lager load changing makes diesel generator group output voltage and frequency fluctuations larger of problem, this paper by studying the diesel generator system establishes the model of diesel generator set system, puts forward that model free combining PID control method is proposed to control diesel generator governor, improve the performance of diesel generators, allow it to increase response rate, in a relatively short period of time to its steady state. And MATLAB simulation verifies their feasibility.
Published: 23 January 2014
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