Analysis and Compare of Photo-Acoustic Spect roscopy Technology and Gas Chromatography Technology in Transformer on-line detecting |
Wu Jun, Tian Xuehang |
China Power Complete Equipment Co., Ltd, Beijing 100080 |
Abstract Photo-acoustic Spectroscopy Technology for analyzing the dissolved gases in transformer oil is a new technology developed in recent years. The principle and product structure of acoustic spectroscopy technology and gas chromatography technology to analyze the dissolved gas in oil is introduced in this paper, according to the main transformer, high voltage transformer and auxiliary transformer on-line monitoring device selection for a domestic AP1000 nuclear power project. At the same time, the sensitivity etc. technical indicators are compared. At last, the difference between the two different technologies transformer on-line monitoring devices is concluded. Hope to provide a reference for selecting large transformer on-line monitoring device.
Published: 23 January 2014
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Wu Jun,Tian Xuehang. Analysis and Compare of Photo-Acoustic Spect roscopy Technology and Gas Chromatography Technology in Transformer on-line detecting[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(12): 65-68.
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