Analysis and Line Selection Based on Negative-sequence Curent for Sparc Cather Grouding System in Distribution Network |
Hu Jingying1, Wang Yang2, Hua HuanHuan1 |
1.Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Smart Grids Operation and Control, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114;2.XinXiang Power Supply Company, Xinxiang, He’nan 453002 |
Abstract In domestic distribution network, the arc-suppression coil has been widely use. Because of its hard measuring, low precision and can’t meet the need of compensation for harmonic wave current in arc-suppression coil grouding system, the lower distribution networks used to applied the spark cathcer. By applying the spark cacher some traditional line chosing method can not divide the grouding fault between the transfomer and the line as usual, it sincerely harm the stablility of the distribution network. Base on above resons, the paper provided a new grounding line selection method based on negative-sequence curent analysis for sparc cather grouding system.Through the EMTP and Matlab simulation for a10kV distribution network, It turned out that the proposed method in this paper will has greater sensitivity and accruracy.
Received: 26 June 2014
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Hu Jingying,Wang Yang,Hua HuanHuan. Analysis and Line Selection Based on Negative-sequence Curent for Sparc Cather Grouding System in Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(5): 18-23.
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