Novel Post-evaluation Index System and its Application for the Scientific and Technological Projects in Power Enterprise |
Zhou Ke1, Jiang Fei2, Dong Taiqing2 |
1. Electric Power Institute Research Institute of Guangxi Power Grid, Nanning 530023; 2.College of Electrical & Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082 |
Abstract With management requirements of scientific and technological projects of the power enterprise gradually increasing, the post-evaluation is more and more important. Taking a single power enterprise in consideration, this paper establishes the index system of post-evaluation applying the methods of analytic hierarchy process and expert investigation. It proposes the concept and the model of the single project and multi-project, and puts forward the contribution degree factor by means of the quantitative and qualitative factor. It reaches the result of multi-project by them. Finally, it assesses a class multi-project by the software, and results show that the proposed method and software are correct and effective.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Zhou Ke,Jiang Fei,Dong Taiqing. Novel Post-evaluation Index System and its Application for the Scientific and Technological Projects in Power Enterprise[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 46-49.
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