The Measuring Method for Capacitance and Dielectric Loss of Bushing C2 after Installation |
Liu Xuemin,Su Haiqin |
Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd, Baoding, Hebei 071056 |
Abstract Capacitance and dielectric loss measuring can effectively detect the insulation flaw of electric equipment. There is some solid and oil-paper insulation between the test terminal and flange of the bushing, so it is very necessary to measure this capacitance and dielectric loss. After installation the capacitance C2 of bushing test terminal is connected to the capacitance C1 of bushing and the transformer. This paper sets up a new measuring circuit with dielectric loss measuring equipment which has a shield terminal, and the capacitance and dielectric loss of bushing C2 can be measured accurately.
Published: 04 November 2014
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Liu Xuemin,Su Haiqin. The Measuring Method for Capacitance and Dielectric Loss of Bushing C2 after Installation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(07): 72-74.
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