Research on Medium and Long-term Electric Load Forecasting Based on Variance-covariance Combined Model |
Tang Xiangling,Wang Ping,Li Sicen,Bai Chaoyuan |
Xihua University,Electrical Engineering and Information College,Chengdu 610039 |
Abstract There are a variety of methods to predict long-term electric load. However,the limitations of the methods are a number of factors. The linear regression model,quadratic polynomial model and gray prediction model are proposed in the paper for power load forecasting,respectively. These thee methods are taken together again to establish the variance-covariance combination forecasting model. By comparison concluded,this method greatly reduces errors,improves the prediction accuracy and can scientifically predict long-term power load.
Received: 22 January 2015
Published: 19 January 2015
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Tang Xiangling,Wang Ping,Li Sicen等. Research on Medium and Long-term Electric Load Forecasting Based on Variance-covariance Combined Model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(01): 15-18.
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