Application of Partial Binding Leak Detection Method Improved of GIS Equipment in Dealing with Micro Seepage |
Li Xinjie, Li Jingsheng, Song Honglei, Niu Weiguang, Ding Xinyong |
State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company, Dongying, Shangdong 257091 |
Abstract Over the years, according to the problems found in dealing with Gas Insulated metal-enclosed Switchgear (GIS) device defects in micro seepage, the article improved traditional local wound leak detection method combined with the engineering practice , so as to make it more suitable for solve the problem associated with GIS devices micro seeping defects. The method in the field work is a simple and effective means of improving safety and stable operation. Finally, the thesis introduces the application of this method in a typical case, and through practical examples to verify the value of the method in dealing with defects in the micro seepage.
Published: 20 July 2015
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Li Xinjie,Li Jingsheng,Song Honglei等. Application of Partial Binding Leak Detection Method Improved of GIS Equipment in Dealing with Micro Seepage[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(07): 138-141.
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