Distribution Lines in Rural Areas of Frequent Trip Cause Analysis and Prevention Measures |
Gong Yunfeng1, Ma Zhenqi2 |
1. State Grid QingYang Electric Power Supply Company, Qingyang, Gansu 745000; 2. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050 |
Abstract With the development of society and economy, The customer to the electric reliability of the increasingly high demand. Through the Distribution lines in rural areas of frequent trip Cause analysis for common problems actually exist, Propose the corresponding prevention measures of the Distribution lines in rural areas of frequent trip to provide a reference for the governance of frequent tripping circuit improve the operation and maintenance of the Distribution network management level.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Gong Yunfeng,Ma Zhenqi. Distribution Lines in Rural Areas of Frequent Trip Cause Analysis and Prevention Measures[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 105-107.
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