The Cause Analysis and Pre-Control Measures of 35 kV Switchgear Discharge |
Zhang Xiongqing, Lin Kui, Lin Yi, Gu Linchun |
Zhoushan Power Company, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316000 |
Abstract For accident and problems found in the insulation transformation, the cause of the KYN series switchgear discharge is analyzed, the corresponding pre-control measures are put forward for the existing problems, reducing the discharge of this kind of equipment accidents, ensuring the reliability of power supply, improving the level of safe operation of the equipment.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Zhang Xiongqing,Lin Kui,Lin Yi等. The Cause Analysis and Pre-Control Measures of 35 kV Switchgear Discharge[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 111-113.
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