Analyze the Abnormal Secondary Voltage of a 110 kV Capacitive Voltage Transformer |
Zhang Ruiming1, Chen Li2 |
1. Xinjiang Electric Power Corporation Changji Electric Power Supply Company, Changji, Xinjiang 831100; 2. Huadian Xinjiang Power Generation Corporation Changji Thermal Power Plant, Changji, Xinjiang 831100 |
Abstract Voltage transformer is an important power equipment used to monitor system voltage .Voltage transformer is mainly divided into electromagnetic and capacitor voltage transformer. Capacitor is most widely used at present, especially in the 110kV power system and above. Simply introduce the structure and principle of capacitor voltage transformer. Analyze and study on the abnormal secondary voltage of a 110kV capacitive voltage transformer, and find out the reason of the anomaly. Then put forward some corresponding measures which can provide some reference value for analyzing the accident of other power equipment.
Received: 18 August 2015
Published: 18 August 2015
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Zhang Ruiming,Chen Li. Analyze the Abnormal Secondary Voltage of a 110 kV Capacitive Voltage Transformer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(8): 85-87.
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