Study on Low Voltage Ride Through for DFIG-based Wind Farm based on Combined Protection |
Huang Jing,Zhu Wu |
Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200000 |
Abstract This paper introduce technical rule for connecting wind farm to power system of our country. Then, this paper proposes a coordination strategy for Crowbar and DC-chopper based the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) enhance the low-voltage ride-through(LVRT) capability, and investigates the application of a static synchronous compensator(STATCOM) to provide reactive power for the wind farm during grid faults. The research result shows that, the suppression effect of rotor current will be better with more bypass resistance of the Crowbar. However, if the bypass resistor is selected too large, it will cause the DC bus overvoltage and the chances of Crowbar act. The proposed LVRT protection schemes not only suppress the rotor current and DC bus voltage, but also contribute to the recovery of the fault point voltage.
Published: 28 September 2015
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Huang Jing,Zhu Wu. Study on Low Voltage Ride Through for DFIG-based Wind Farm based on Combined Protection[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(9): 34-37.
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