Application Practice on Remote Control Technology Platform for Transformer On-line Monitoring |
Han Xiaohui, Wang Yang, Han Zhongjie, Fan Ming, Li Chuancai |
State Grid Jiaxing Power Supply Company, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314033 |
Abstract Strengthening the control of transformer on-line monitoring devices is an important initiative for advancing the practicality of on-line monitoring technology, it also accelerats the construction of condition based maintenance system. Jiaxing power supply company has made innovative achievements in research and application for transformer on-line monitoring technology, this paper introduces the architectures of on-line monitoring remote control platform, main function, applications, makes a demonstration and popularization significance for the operation management efficiency of on-line monitoring devices and condition monitoring of power network equipments.
Published: 13 January 2016
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Han Xiaohui,Wang Yang,Han Zhongjie等. Application Practice on Remote Control Technology Platform for Transformer On-line Monitoring[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(1): 113-115.
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