An Analysis on the Relationship Between Electricity Consumption and Economic Development of Shangqiu Region |
Du Zhenhua |
State Grid ShangQiu Power Supply Company, Shangqiu, He’nan 476000 |
Abstract Society power consumption and GDP of the two kinds of Shang Qiu data from 2005 to 2014 is analyzed, and the relationship between power and economic development is discussed. Then, the paper explains the reason that electricity negative growth but the economic growth in the region in 2014. These two factors which energy-intensive industry downturn and the special climate of cool in summer and warm winter have led the region appeared the phenomenon in 2014. Finally the paper points out that with gradual improvement in industrial structure adjustment, the region’s electricity consumption will enter a new normal medium growth.
Published: 26 October 2016
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Du Zhenhua. An Analysis on the Relationship Between Electricity Consumption and Economic Development of Shangqiu Region[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 108-110.
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