Research of Distribution Network Peak Shaving for Distributed Grid-connected PV System with Energy Storage Device |
Zhang Ming1, 2, Piao Zhengguo1, 2 |
1. North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144; 2. Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles, Beijing 100081 |
Abstract Aiming at the problem of electricity peak valley when the distribution network load demand changes, peak shaving control strategy for distributed Grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system with energy storage devices is researched in this paper. A two-stage type micro inverter system is designed, peak shaving control strategy based on Point of Common Coupling voltage compensation control strategy is proposed. Meanwhile, in order to guarantee operating efficiency of the Grid-connected PV system, the piecewise operation mode is proposed. The whole system parameters is designed and simulated, the feasibility of the control strategy about Grid-connected PV system with energy storage devices for peak shaving is verified, peak shaving problem is efficiently solved and the stability of the grid is maintained. This paper provides technical reference for the design of peak shaving control with energy storage system.
Published: 13 December 2016
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Zhang Ming,Piao Zhengguo. Research of Distribution Network Peak Shaving for Distributed Grid-connected PV System with Energy Storage Device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(12): 11-14.
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