Actual Measurement Study of Distribution of Electric Field Strength and Voltage on the Surface of Insulator |
Wang Feng1, Zhang Hongjun1, Wen Dingjun2, Zhang Xiubin2, Li Yajun3 |
1. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company, Lanzhou 730030; 2. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050; 3. Anhui ZGD Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract In this paper, the surface electric field distribution of two kinds of 330kV organic composite insulator and the voltage distribution of toughened glass insulator string were actual measured in the testing laboratory. Through the establishment of test platform, surface contamination layer of insulator was built by artificial contamination method. The voltage distribution on surface of insulator under clean and dry and uniform pollution layer condition were obtained. Comparison with theoretical simulation results in previous word was taken. The accuracy of the simulation calculation was verified.
Published: 26 February 2016
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Wang Feng,Zhang Hongjun,Wen Dingjun等. Actual Measurement Study of Distribution of Electric Field Strength and Voltage on the Surface of Insulator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 28-31.
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