Radio Interference Calculation of 500kV EHV Transmission Lines |
Xiao Jieping1, Wang Kaiqi2, Du Gang1, Chen Jingyi1, Deng Chuanhai1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, Jilin 132012; 2. Huzhou Power Supply Company, Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000 |
Abstract This article mainly aims at the radio interference of ultra-high voltage overhead transmission line using Matlab simulation research. This paper analyzes the circuit parameters on the transmission line below the effects of radio interference. Compared the common experience of radio interference calculation formula of differences. Split and the simulation analysis of the transmission line spacing, number of wire and the wire section of radio interference for ehv lines. The results showed that: with the wire splitting root number and wire cross-section increases, power line at the bottom of the radio interference level decreased; With the increase of split spacing, transmission line at the bottom of the radio interference level showed a trend of increase with the decrease of the first; Transmission line arrangement of transmission line at the bottom of the radio interference level has a certain influence.
Published: 20 April 2016
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