Preliminary Investigation of Disaster Recovery System Construction based on OS2 |
Lin Peiming1, Wang Yuqin1, Pan Kaiyan1, Yi Renbo2 |
1. Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd, Yantai, Shandong 2640001; 2. Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute, Guangzhou 510663 |
Abstract During the construction process of operation smart system in China Southern power grid, one goal is disaster recovery system construction. Relies on OS2 of system framework, regard based resources platform and operation control center as the entry point, Combine application function module deployment and level closely, propose the implementation method of data center、and application of operation control system、and communications link, and panorama disaster recovery based on OS2。Which data center of disaster recovery construction including model、parameter、history data、real-time data and operation information, is the foundation of disaster recovery system which take over the main system smoothly of based data source. The other layer disaster recovery system of construction involves core application module of I district and the communications part of disaster recovery, disaster recovery of collection can effective avoid fault and risk of front-collection. Panoramic longitudinal system of disaster recovery is further extended vertically. Independence is stronger, Capacity to avoid the risk is increasing, it will guarantee the continuity of the power secondary network.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Lin Peiming,Wang Yuqin,Pan Kaiyan等. Preliminary Investigation of Disaster Recovery System Construction based on OS2[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 101-104.
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