Research on the Optimization of UHVDC Line Fault Recovery Strategy |
Zhou Xiaofeng, Wu Yanwei, Li Qian, Zhang Yanhao, Xu Pengjian |
XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract To solve the problem that UHVDC DC line fault recovery logic is not perfect resulting DC power fluctuating even bipole blocking, a new strategy considering the HVDC working conditions and running power point against DC line faults is put forward. RTDS is used to simulate the DC line fault and build the equivalent line-to-ground fault model. A strategy inhibiting VDCL function of the non-fault pole for some time is illustrated to decrease the non-fault pole power fluctuation. Based on Xiluodu-Zhejiang Jinhua ±800kV UHVDC, it is concluded that the sugguested DC line fault recovery strategy can effectively keep the whole HVDC system stable against DC line faults.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Zhou Xiaofeng,Wu Yanwei,Li Qian等. Research on the Optimization of UHVDC Line Fault Recovery Strategy[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 36-40.
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