The HVDC Faults Caused by End of Current Failure Analysis and its Valve Control Strategy Optimization Resurch |
Jiang Zhiyu |
Guangzhou Bureau, CSG EHV Power Transmission Company, Guangzhou 510405 |
Abstract This paper analyses End of Current Failure corresponding valve control strategy in HVDC. It is pointed out that a potential risk existed which can causes check-back signal can't be decteted by VBE and causes HVDC tripping in existing control strategy when low AC voltage cannot be detected by pole control systems under some critical conditions. Then this paper analyzes a HVDC tripping accident caused by AC system fault in order to validate this control strategy risk. In the last part of this paper, optimization of sampling circuit is proposed.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Jiang Zhiyu. The HVDC Faults Caused by End of Current Failure Analysis and its Valve Control Strategy Optimization Resurch[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 96-100.
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