Analysis of Unit RB Caused by the Disappearance of Operation Signal of Induced Draft Fan Frequency Inverter |
Qin Zhuoxin |
Shanxi Zhangshan Electric Power Co., Ltd, Changzhi, Shanxi 046021 |
Abstract This paper analyzes the unit RB event caused by the disappearance of operation signal of thermal induced draft fan frequency inverter. ACS5000 converter fault analysis method is introduced. It is concluded that electronic components aging or failure inside DO820 module in control cabinet is lead to frequency converter operation signal disappearance and equipment shutdown. Combined with the matching relationship of frequency converter feedback signal and DCS logic, the matters of attention in the application of inverter in the power plant are proposed.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Qin Zhuoxin. Analysis of Unit RB Caused by the Disappearance of Operation Signal of Induced Draft Fan Frequency Inverter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 130-132.
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