Modeling and Experimental Verification of Current Transformer Harmonic Transform based on J-A Dynamic Hysteresis Model |
Chen Lixiang, Wu Danyue, Shao Zhenguo |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116 |
Abstract As the complex of the modeling of iron core hysteresis loop, the electromagnetic current transformer (CT) modeling is still complex, so based on static J-A model building the CT static recursion model. The model can be used to fit the transfer characteristics of CT easily and accurately, and it has the value of application in CT simulation. Under the harmonic condition, the core hysteresis loop area will be changed with the external excitation source frequency, in order to fit the transfer characteristics of CT in the harmonic condition, the CT simulation model is builted on J-A dynamic hysteresis model and experimental verification.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Chen Lixiang,Wu Danyue,Shao Zhenguo. Modeling and Experimental Verification of Current Transformer Harmonic Transform based on J-A Dynamic Hysteresis Model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 14-18.
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