Application Practice of Video Linkage Technology in Substation Intelligent Inspection System |
Xia Shuiying, Wang Yining, Zhao Liang, Bao Hongyan |
Xianning Power Supply Company, Xianning, Hubei 437000 |
Abstract A substation intelligent inspection system which can achieve the goal of linkage control based on video surveillance is proposed in this paper. The system realizes the linkage between surveillance video and equipments condition information, alarm information, switching operation, fore-end data gathering system through the remote monitoring, intelligent video analysis and video linkage alarm. This system realizes the integrated linkage of decentralized inspection of substation. And it improves the managerial level and operational quality. This system implements truly unmanned or fewer people in substations.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Xia Shuiying,Wang Yining,Zhao Liang等. Application Practice of Video Linkage Technology in Substation Intelligent Inspection System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 82-85.
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