Measuring Analysis on the Power Quality Control of Zhouliying Traction Substation in Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway |
Fang Ce, Wu Mingli |
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 |
Abstract Based on the power quality control experimental project in Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, the measurement on Zhouliying traction substation and relevant section posts are conducted. Voltage and current data are obtained for before and after the harmonic control devices are put into operation. The power quality index of power factor, harmonics, negative phase sequence are statistically computed, and a power quality analysis software based on imc measuring system is compiled. By the comparison of the test data, the power quality improvement effect for the harmonic control devices on the substation and relevant section posts are reflected, which has a reference value for the future power quality control of electrified railways.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Fang Ce,Wu Mingli. Measuring Analysis on the Power Quality Control of Zhouliying Traction Substation in Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 71-75.
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