Summarization of Strategy about Electric Vehicles Connected to Power Grid |
Feng Peilei1, Dong Zhiquan1, Xu Tianqi1, Li Yan1, Liu Xiaoxin2 |
1. School of Electrical and Information Technology, Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming 650500; 2. Nujiang Grid Bureau, Yunnan Grid Corporation Limited, Nujiang, Yunnan 673100 |
Abstract With the development of electric vehicle faster and faster, the uncertainty over time and space of vehicle-to-grid is the essential problem. The massive application of control strategy makes vehicle -to-grid charging orderly, which is a hot topic of the research. In view of the development of electric vehicles in China, numerous research demonstrates that ordinary access of vehicle-to-grid has less effect than the disorderly access. Based on the control strategy analysis summary of vehicle-to-grid, pointed out the shortcomings in control strategy of vehicle-to-grid, and made a further analysis, put forward reliable references to control strategies of vehicle-to-grid.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Feng Peilei,Dong Zhiquan,Xu Tianqi等. Summarization of Strategy about Electric Vehicles Connected to Power Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 8-14.
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