The Current State of Active EMI filter were Reviewed |
Chen Xiaowei, Dong Jiqing |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116 |
Abstract As the switching power converter develops toward the direction of miniaturization, high frequency and high power density, higher requirements in size and performance of the filter are proposed. Active EMI filter, which can effectively reduce the volume and weight of the filter, is a good choice to cater the development trend of power electronic equipment. This paper introduced the working principle of active EMI filter, and the existing active EMI filter technology were analyzed and compared, the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme were also summarized. Finally, the design difficulties and development direction of the active EMI filter were described. At present, the cost and stability of the active EMI filter are the main reasons restrict its wide application.
Published: 24 February 2017
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