The New Approach of Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple for Brushless DC Motor |
Wei Jiatao, Lin Rongwen |
Electrical Engineering and Automation Institute of Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract The brushless DC motor has the advantages of traditional DC motor which can run for high power at low speed and save reducer direct drive big load. moreover, it has the characteristic of small volume, light weight and large output. So, it has been widely used in all walks of life. However, the disadvantage is that the torque ripple is bigger. Based on the Z-source inverter, this paper proposes a novel commutation torque ripple reduction strategy for brushless DC motor (BLDCM). Modified Z-source topology compared with the traditional topology reduces one capacitor. It can reduce the volume of circuit and the design cost, boosting capacity and the traditional topology of the topology, and there is no traditional topology of the circuit and no start impact problem, it don’t need to adopt the strategy of soft start and start the process simple. Furthermore it can effectively inhibit the commutation torque ripple.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Wei Jiatao,Lin Rongwen. The New Approach of Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple for Brushless DC Motor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 16-20.
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