Prospect over the Techniques and Coordinated Development of istributed Generation and Distribution Network |
Wang Bao, Kuang Honghai, Zheng Liping, Ding Xiaowei |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hu’nan 412007 |
Abstract One of the best way to make full use of the large-scale distributed renewable energy is Distributed Generation (distributed generation, DG), and the distribution network plays a critical role particularly while transmitting power to network by DG. In this paper, analyses are given based on the overviews and developments of DG and distribution network, and the limitations of traditional distribution network in DG merging and using are pointed out, the necessity of developing traditional distribution network into active distribution network (active distribution network, ADN) while using DG simultaneously is illustrated. Finally, the key technologies which need further study and application are prospected from the the three perspectives of user, information, control for the purpose of developing DG and distribution network coordinately.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Wang Bao,Kuang Honghai,Zheng Liping等. Prospect over the Techniques and Coordinated Development of istributed Generation and Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 5-9.
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