Research on the Evaluation Method of 110kV Distribution Network Project based on Analytic Hierarchy Process |
Zhao Juan1, Yang Bo2, Zhang Hongbin1, Guo Yue1 |
1. State Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100052; 2. State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co., Ltd, Economic and Technological Research Institute, Shenyang 110015 |
Abstract According to the characteristics of distribution network, a comprehensive evaluation method of 110kV distribution network project is put forward. Based on hierarchical analysis method, the 110kV distribution network project evaluation index system is established. Based on fuzzy membership degree method, the calculation method of evaluation criteria and the quantitative analysis methods for comprehensive evaluation of distribution network project scheduling are determined. Considering the contribution of evaluation index importance degree to overall evaluation, it is possible to give a more accurate evaluation score level for evaluation samples. The effectiveness and practicability of the method are verified by the evaluation and analysis of an 110kV distribution network project.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Zhao Juan,Yang Bo,Zhang Hongbin等. Research on the Evaluation Method of 110kV Distribution Network Project based on Analytic Hierarchy Process[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 64-68.
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