The Design of Multi-mode Phase-shift Modulation Method based on dSPACE and FPGA |
Cheng Lin, Lin Zhifa, Song Dongdong, Du Haijiang |
College of Information and Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083 |
Abstract Phase-shift technology is widely used in dual-active full bridge circuit, high-frequency isolated power supply, multi-level converter and many other fields. As the 1103 board of dSPACE platform does not have the ability to output shift pulse, a hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) platform based on dSPACE and FPGA is proposed to realize phase-shifting control. The control algorithm is achieved by dSPACE and the information of phase-shifting is transported to FPGA through port communication. FPGA modulates the shift pulses and transport them to the driver module. This platform can work in different modes of phase-shift. Finally, a DAB circuit is built to verify the correctness of the algorithm.
Published: 19 April 2017
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Cheng Lin,Lin Zhifa,Song Dongdong等. The Design of Multi-mode Phase-shift Modulation Method based on dSPACE and FPGA[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 39-43.
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