Research on Calculation Model of the Length of Flexible Bus for Substations |
Zhang Chunning, Zhou Qinfen, Zhang Zheng, Zhong Yu, Yuan Xu |
Jiangsu Hongyuan Electric Power Construction Supervision Co., Ltd, Nanjin 210036 |
Abstract In the operation system of medium-large substation, the flexible bus is an important carrier for collection, distribution and transmission of electrical energy. Due to weather and geological conditions are complex in outdoor space, then the connection way of conductor used by flexible bus. The flexible bus arc sag size is an important standard to detect the quality of the installation. It will increase the wire tension and affect the safety distance when it’s too small or large. At the same time, the number and weight of insulator and the high span height difference will have a greater impact on the flexible bus arc sag. And a simple catenary model can not calculate the arc sag and the cutting length of flexible bus accurately. This paper introduces the basic calculation method of flexible bus arc sag briefly. Based on this, a composite model is proposed to calculate the cutting length of flexible bus accurately, which to improve the flexible bus installation quality and ensure the reliability of power supply system. Finally, the proposed model is verified in engineering practice.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Zhang Chunning,Zhou Qinfen,Zhang Zheng等. Research on Calculation Model of the Length of Flexible Bus for Substations[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 54-58.
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