Research Status and Development of 12kV Solid Insulated Ring Main Unit |
Wu Liangyun, Han Yun, Chen Youqiang |
CEE Installations Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350301 |
Abstract In recent years, the international community’s growing concern for the environment, in order to reduce the impact of SF6 gas on the atmospheric environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the urgent need the new RMU to replace SF6 gas insulated RMU, gave birth to environmentally friendly RMU, solid insulated RMU therefore bred out, the paper combined with the company’s solid insulation RMU research and development, analysis of the present situation of research and development 12kV solid insulation RMU.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Wu Liangyun,Han Yun,Chen Youqiang. Research Status and Development of 12kV Solid Insulated Ring Main Unit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 8-17.
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