The Development of Horizontal Double Split Conductor Double Strings Insulators Holder for Live Working |
Chen Jianping, Xiang Yun, Liu Zhiguo |
Live Working Center of State Grid Corporation of Hu’nan, Changsha 410010 |
Abstract The horizontal double split conductor double strings insulators are more and more commonly used, but the double strings insulators holder is still very lack, which leads to low operating efficiency. In this paper, assembly method and operation way of double strings insulators is analyzed, the inappropriateload transfer method is the primary cause of inefficient. Based on this, horizontal double split conductor double strings insulators holder for live working is designed. Its security and reliability is verifiedby checking the fixture curved beam intensity. Using the double strings insulators holder, replacing the insulator just takes only 25minutes, and the efficiency increased by 48%.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Chen Jianping,Xiang Yun,Liu Zhiguo. The Development of Horizontal Double Split Conductor Double Strings Insulators Holder for Live Working[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 85-87.
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