The Main Analysis of Power Transformer Gas Protection Fault and Preventive Measure |
Cao Tieshan, Dong De, Zeng Yong, Yang Rong |
China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd, Yichang, Hubei 443133 |
Abstract The main transformer gas protection is a main protection for oil immersed transformer, its proper motion is very important for the operation of the transformer. In this paper, by analysis of a transformer heavy gas protection action accident, we find the reason about the fault, and how to preventing the gas relay malfunction.
Published: 20 July 2017
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Cao Tieshan,Dong De,Zeng Yong等. The Main Analysis of Power Transformer Gas Protection Fault and Preventive Measure[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(7): 103-105.
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