Research on the Distributed Control Platform of Secondary Equipment in Power Grid |
Huang Xueqing, Xia Youbin, Pan Wenhu, Su Zhipeng, Song Mingmin |
State Grid Wuhu Power Supply Company, Wuhu, Anhui 241000 |
Abstract A new distributed control platform for secondary equipment in power grid is proposed in this paper to solve the monitoring problem. The monitoring server and proxy server are deployed in the server room and substation respectively, which the operating conditions of secondary equipment in dispatching data network and substation could be monitored and control on the real time. The distributed architecture is adopted in this control platform, when the key node is offline, the system could be disassembled, and run independently. The platform is based on Linux system and B/S architecture, and with SNMP technology the network topology and equipment status could be obtained. The intelligent alarm function is provided in the platform, which support the alarm information customization, and has reliable, safe and efficient features.
Published: 18 August 2017
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Huang Xueqing,Xia Youbin,Pan Wenhu等. Research on the Distributed Control Platform of Secondary Equipment in Power Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 114-117.
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