Research on Channel Characteristics of Indoor Low-voltage Power Line |
Jia Pengfei, Hua Wei, Cui Shuang, Li Zhi |
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 |
Abstract The process of signal transmission within the indoor power line channelis analyzedwith transmission line theory and a multi-branch, multi-reflection channel model is established.The low-voltage power line channel characteristics have been measured in the laboratory and also been simulated with the model studied in the frequency range of 1~100MHz. With the comparison of the measured results with that of the simulation, whether the access of 220V AC power network will affect the power line channel characteristics has been discussed. At last, it is found that the length of the main power line, branch number, branch length, and 220V AC power network affect the transmission parameters and impedance characteristics of the indoor power line. Meanwhile, the attenuation of power line channel have the feature of frequency selectivity.
Published: 18 August 2017
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Jia Pengfei,Hua Wei,Cui Shuang等. Research on Channel Characteristics of Indoor Low-voltage Power Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 27-31.
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