The Optimization of Construction Scheme of Merging Unit of the Smart Substation Upgrade |
Wang Pengmin |
State Grid Maintenance Company of Shanxi Electric Power Corporation, Taiyuan 030032 |
Abstract With smart substation technology becoming more mature, the early pilot of samart substation in daily operation gradually exposed some issues which affecting the safe operation of the power grid. This paper mainly according to the characteristics of the merging unit and the different voltage class, take the 500kV G smart substation in the province which have been putted into operation early and completed construction recently, introduces the practical and feasible optimizing construction scheme in detail, and discusses the key technologies and dangerous points involved in this scheme. The successful accomplishment of renovation project, not only validated the industrial applicability of the optimizing construction scheme, accumulated the related working experience, and more have a valuable reference to the other similar construction project of smart substation in the future.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Wang Pengmin. The Optimization of Construction Scheme of Merging Unit of the Smart Substation Upgrade[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 118-124.
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