Research on online check platform of relay protection constant value in Xinjiang power grid |
Nan Dongliang1, Sun Yiqian1, Guo Xiaolong2, Li Xiujun2, Chen Long1 |
1. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute of Xinjiang Electric Power Company, Urumqi 830011; 2. Xinjiang Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center, Urumqi 830011 |
Abstract The on-line verification platform of relay protection setting value for Xinjiang Power Grid is analyzed in this paper. Firstly, the function of the platform are discussed, including online check function, state function, fault current calculation, multi pattern visual interface design, statistical analysis, and set up and maintenance management function, etc. Then, the overall structure scheme of on-line verification platform is given. Detailed analysis of the design principle and architecture of the platform are presented. The actual deployment architecture of the platform is given. Finally, the detailed design of data structure is given, including data input, data output, data format and data processing content. This research meets the demand of Xinjiang Power Grid on the fixed value of online check, value expected, setting value verification visualization, etc.
Received: 09 June 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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Nan Dongliang,Sun Yiqian,Guo Xiaolong等. Research on online check platform of relay protection constant value in Xinjiang power grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(1): 68-71.
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