Research and design of a test device for insulation selection of DC system in the transformer substation |
Mao Yan, Feng Cancheng |
Zhongshan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Company, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400 |
Abstract DC system is an important part of the safe operation of substation. The insulation selection test of dc system in transformer substation is an important part of the dc test, which can effectively verify that the insulation monitoring device installed in the dc system can alarm the reduced insulation dc load branch accurately when the insulation of the dc load branch is reduced. By designing simple and reasonable control circuit, ground busbar selection is realized by using change-over switch, and by grounding resistance adjustment and leakage current sensor wire clamp design, it is possible to improve the efficiency of transformer substation dc system insulation line selection test, reduce the risk of mistakenly touching the dc bus during the test, and achieve the ultimate goal of man-machine efficacy.
Received: 12 May 2018
Published: 16 November 2018
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Mao Yan,Feng Cancheng. Research and design of a test device for insulation selection of DC system in the transformer substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 88-90.
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