Analysis of the cause and treatment of the false alarm of the 500kV main transformer pressure-relief valve |
Lin Lin, Zhu Mengge, Wei Xiaowei, Duan Lianying, Ren Baolin |
State Grid Jibei Electric Power Maintenance Company, Beijing 102488 |
Abstract The pressure-relief valve is one of the main non-electricity protection devices of the transformer. The malfunction of the pressure-relief valve can lead to shutdown accidents of the main transformer, and the poor insulation condition of its electrical circuits can also cause the protection devices to send signals incorrectly or DC ground defects. This article aims to illustrate a false alarm defect of the pressure-relief valve in a 500kV main transformer, analyzed the operational safety hazard caused by the position design and installation process of the pressure-relief, the conclusion of which can be applied to the acceptance and maintenance work of the newly-invested devices.
Received: 20 June 2018
Published: 18 December 2018
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Lin Lin,Zhu Mengge,Wei Xiaowei等. Analysis of the cause and treatment of the false alarm of the 500kV main transformer pressure-relief valve[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(12): 120-122.
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