Study on aging characteristics of transformer oil-paper insulation under different types of electro-thermal stress |
Mu Long1, Lan Sheng2, Huang Mingliang2 |
1. Fuzhou Tianyu Electric Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350000; 2. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract In order to study the influence of electro-thermal stress on the aging characteristics of oil-paper insulation, the electricity (uniform electric field, corona discharge) and thermal (140℃) aging system was built in this paper. The oil paper insulation was subjected to electro-thermal stress about 168h, the contents of aging products were measured periodically, and the generation principle of aging products was compared and analyzed. The results show that the changes of furfural content and acid value in oil, the DP of insulating paper are more obvious under the influence of electric field compared with single factor thermal aging and intermittent corona discharge, moreover, the transformer oil precipitates black substance under the influence of electric field and temperature. Under the aging 168h, the changes of breakdown voltage of the insulating paper is not obvious under the influence of the temperature and the electric field, while the interrupted corona discharge makes the breakdown voltage of the insulating paper become smaller.
Received: 14 June 2018
Published: 18 December 2018
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Mu Long,Lan Sheng,Huang Mingliang. Study on aging characteristics of transformer oil-paper insulation under different types of electro-thermal stress[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(12): 29-34.
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