Submersible current of Miaowei Hydropower Station's transmission line analysis based on distributed model |
Ren Hongtao, Zhang Xiang |
Huadong Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 311122 |
Abstract In order to improve the success rate of single-phase automatic reclosure of EHV transmission lines, the submersible current and recovery voltage under various operation modes need to be restricted. In this paper, the distribution parameter model of the 500kV transmission line of the seedling tail is established by ATP-EMTP. Through the simulation, the relationship between the value of the high resistance neutral point small reactor and the potential supply current and the recovery voltage is obtained. It provides the basis for the setting of the line reclosing and the relay protection setting.
Received: 26 June 2018
Published: 18 December 2018
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Ren Hongtao,Zhang Xiang. Submersible current of Miaowei Hydropower Station's transmission line analysis based on distributed model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(12): 67-70.
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