Research on restraint of bus voltage deviation in active distribution network based on variable power and impedance |
Huang Lijun, Wang Leitao, Li Xianwei, Sheng Jingge, Bai Guanyu |
XJ Group Corporation, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract In respect to continualimprovement of distributed generation and flexible loadper- meability in active distribution network and increasingly higher demands of power consumers about power quality, a method that is used to restrain voltage deviation of active distribution network based on variable power and impedance is given in this paper. Positive deviation and negative deviation of load side bus voltage in active distribution network are analyzed by this method. When voltage positive deviation exceeds allowable value, load total power is changed through putting into flexible load which can restrain voltage deviation. If voltage positive deviation can not be restrained in allowable scope through flexible load, voltage positive deviation is restrained through further reducing output power of distributed generation. When voltagenegative deviation exceeds allowable value, voltage deviation is restrained through enlarging output power of distributed generation. If voltage negative deviation can not be restrained in allowable scope through output power of distributed generation, total impedance of transmission line is changed through putting into flexible line of controllable impedancewhich can restrain negative deviation of bus voltage. In order to verify proposed method, taking distributed generation, flexible load and flexible line those are connected to active distribution network for example, the Matlab/Simulink simulation model is built. Simulation results show that proposed method is feasible and effective.
Received: 06 November 2017
Published: 21 May 2018
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Huang Lijun,Wang Leitao,Li Xianwei等. Research on restraint of bus voltage deviation in active distribution network based on variable power and impedance[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 26-32.
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