The technology research of ultracapacitorback-up power system replacing lead-acid battery back-up power system on SL1500 |
Li Feng |
Xinjiang Goldwind Technologies Inc, Urumqi 830011 |
Abstract The wind turbines whose back-up power system is lead-acid battery frequently occur related faults after 2~3 years of operation.Based on SL1500 research object, the thesis supplies the solution that the lead-acid back-up power system replaces with the ultracapacitor back-up power system on the SL1500. meanwhile, the thesis detail introduces the solution through the description for energy calculation and super capacitor module selection, charger system design and super capacitor cabinet design. By testing on SL1500 and analyses for test data, the solution is proved that it is an executable technologyand value to spread.
Received: 20 December 2017
Published: 19 June 2018
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Li Feng. The technology research of ultracapacitorback-up power system replacing lead-acid battery back-up power system on SL1500[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 26-31.
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