Research on decreasing soil resistivity in high soil resistivity regions |
Zhou Jie1, Li Haibin1, Nie Wenhai1, Chen Bin2 |
1. State Grid Jibei Electric Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100038; 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract High soil resistance rate in the substation could result in high grounding resistivity. Conventional method to solve this problem such as enlarging the grounding grid area is hard to implement due to the high land acquisition cost. Hence, three methods to decrease the soil resistivity without redundant land are proposed. Double-layer ground grid method is used when the deeper soil obtains low soil resistivity; ion earthing electrode method is used for the region which has rather high soil resistivity; inclined electrode methodis suitable for the area with uniformly distributed soil and intermediate soil resistivity. These methods have been analyzed and proved to be effective in engineering practice.
Received: 06 December 2017
Published: 19 June 2018
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Zhou Jie,Li Haibin,Nie Wenhai等. Research on decreasing soil resistivity in high soil resistivity regions[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 46-49.
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